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My Mission

To help authors perfect their writing before it lands in the hands of their readers. 


Hi, my name is Madii and I'm the owner of Bound By Words. I love stories—long and short—and want to help you build and perfect your author platform. A lot of people only consider edits for book-length works, but I've helped many authors with sneak peeks, reader magnets, short stories, blog posts, and contest submissions.

This industry is competitive, and if you want your work to stand out, you'll need to truly captivate your audience.


The Importance of a Professional Edit

Self-publishing has become so easy that anyone can do it without the need for a literary agent or publishing company to buy your book. It's as simple as updating a formatted version of your book on KDP or any other print-on-demand company. As powerful an experience as that is, it has saturated the market in stories of every quality and topic. To get your story to stand out—and be the one readers talk about and recommend—there is very little room for error.

This can be scary because we are all just human. But hiring another set of eyes to look over your book BEFORE it hits the shelf will lower the chance of any errors surviving. Problems that can hurt your book's success can range from misused punctuation all the way to holes in the story—and they will only distract your readers.

There is no right or wrong way to edit, but hiring a professional editor at different stages throughout the process:

  • Removes the risk of your published book feeling unpolished

  • Makes sure your book reflects industry standards in formatting

  • Ensures the readers have no technical distractions from your story

  • Saves you time on countless revisions to perfect your novel

Professional Trained

Any Sized Manuscript

Weekly Check-Ins

Reader Reports

How I Can Help

On top of my editing certificate, I constantly expand my knowledge of editing through written resources, additional courses, and staying active in the publishing industry. I spend time reviewing and compiling these many resources so that you don't have to.

Example Timeline


  1. Request an edit and receive an email within 48 hours to discuss scheduling and editing needs

  2. Free 1-2 page sample edits are available for most edits

  3. Book editing time and pay a 50% downpayment at the time of booking

  4. Receive email reminders one month and one week before editing begins

  5. Final payment is due at the start of editing

  6. Sit back and relax, knowing your book is being well taken care of.

  7. No matter the type of edit, you'll receive a weekly update on a day of your choosing (if your project spans more than one week)

                                 After the manuscript is submitted the rest is up to me!

-I'm always available for questions or concerns
both about your manuscript and also your stage in the publishing process.

-Many edits come with additional resources for you to use, like reader reports and style sheets. Learn more on the Services Page.


Check out my YouTube Channel.
I share writing tips and advice as well as some snippets about my own writing journey.
The act of writing is pretty solitary, but that doesn't mean that you have to go through the process alone. My channel aside, YouTube is a place where many writers share their stories and I think it has something for everyone.

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